Cloud Security and App Modernization
DarkNexus is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Select Consulting Partner and has AWS certified software engineers and cyber security engineers that have years of experience both modernizing legacy applications and integrating new applications for use and interoperability with the AWS/Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) cloud. Our engineers and security staff have developed and authorized hundreds of applications that share data and are integrated with the AWS/C2S cloud.
As our customers move to hybrid cloud environments, DarkNexus brings lessons learned from several successful completed modernization efforts for US government clients including both mission applications and business applications. Our engineers have years of lessons learned in cloud integration and specialize in implementing and authorizing cross-domain solutions to address multi-level security requirements. Our cross-domain team is one of the largest and most experienced teams in the industry that has developed, integrated, or authorized almost every cross-domain technology approved or currently in use by the US Government.
Invictus has successfully integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) technologies in several applications we’ve developed and fielded for our customers saving thousands of man-hours. Our software engineering teams successfully fielded a new application that saved over 2,000 man-hours allowing analysts to focus more on analyzing data, vice searching, finding, and organizing data. Invictus also teams with cutting-edge AI/ML technology companies that have proven, trained algorithms to bring transformative technologies to our clients. Invictus’ lab has also begun research to apply advanced AI/ML to cybersecurity mission areas.
Expert cybersecurity solutions for your business needs.
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