Threat Analysis
DarkNexus intelligence analysts provide continuous planning, operational support, and all-source intelligence analysis of global threats emanating from all corners of the globe. They continually analyze shifting global dynamics – from economies to military capacity to transnational organized crime to cyber power. Our transnational intelligence professionals synthesize large amounts of complex reporting derived from all sources and support activities both for the military across CCMD AORs and law enforcement. They provide decision advantage to the highest levels of USG leadership to detect, assess, and counter threats and engage global partners in countering threat actors.
DarkNexus provides cyber threat analysts to better protect critical enterprises and infrastructure as well as providing focused analysis to better enable cyber operations. Our cyber analysts provide a mix of analysis and operations experience that enable them to fuse all-source reporting with network and persona reporting that provides a more comprehensive and focused product to decision-makers and operations personnel.
DarkNexus provides US Government and commercial clients with embedded threat analysts skilled in cyber threat analysis, counterintelligence and counterterrorism, transnational threat analysis, financial and economic analysis, and general regional analysis. Our analysts bring operational experience to better tailor our analysis to specific customer or operational requirements. Many of our analysts have briefed the Combatant Commanders and Commanding Generals, and several of our analysts have had their products regularly commented on by the Secretary of Defense.
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